Thursday, August 13, 2009

The ANSWER is... Aug. 6 Theme for Thursday...

WOW...I didn't know what I was in for when I had this thought for the Theme for Thursday last week...I was thinking...
THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY ... I always start my day with breakfast...I would be lost without food/fuel in my tummy in the morning...So I was eating breakfast one day when I had the thought for this theme...
... and ...
I had no idea that there was a book called Breakfast of Champions until today when posting this answer...I have no idea what it is about but I'll link it anyway...I might just have to read it for myself...The book is by Kurt Vonnegut...I know I read something of his a long long time ago but can't remember the name...

1 comment:

Aristarkhos said...

Hi, I hopped on from the AddThis forum. I really like the Human Calendar you have on your blog. :D

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